Trading in Public Places Licence

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Please read and understand before completing the application form;


1. All food selling operations must comply with the requirements of the Food Act 2014 and any other health requirements that may be set by an authorised officer of Council.
2. Sales are only permitted at the location/s set out in the Licence.
3. A licence must be prominently displayed at all times when trading.
4. Any signage relating to the enterprise shall be approved by an authorised officer of Council.
5. The selling of goods by a person, whether holding a current licence or not, shall cease immediately on the request of an authorised officer of Council or a Police Officer. Note: Trading on rural sections of the State Highway (ie sections with a speed limit above 50kph) are covered by Transit New Zealand Bylaws. Applications for a licence for those areas must be made direct to that Authority.
6. Specific conditions may be applied that restrict the type of goods sold and/or proximity to similar trades or shops.


• Display a current Food Registration licence, showing the risk-based measure under which the business must operate (Food Control Plan or National Programme).
• Follow food safety practices in accordance with the applicable risk-based measure (Food Control Plan or National Programme).
• Scope of food activity is restricted to that stated on the Notice of Registration.
• Food sectors not required to operate under Food Control Plan or National Programme are as follows:
- Horticultural producers: direct sales of own produce to consumers only:
- Retailers or direct sellers of shelf-stable, manufacturer pre-packaged food.
(Ref. Food Act 2014, Schedule 3)

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